The Family to Me.

                Welcome!  As a commemorative first post, I’d like to begin with what “Family” means to me.  First, I’d like to describe where I’m coming from.  I grew up in your average Middle-Class Religious American nuclear family; a Dad, a Mom, and a few siblings who love having fun and respecting both God and the law.  I am the oldest of 3 kids (who mostly get along) and my parents have been present for all my life.  Growing up, my parents had their struggles; finding work, working out differences, and making sure their children stayed out of trouble; however, my siblings and I never went without a roof over our heads and we never went hungry.

                Now, to some, the above paragraph may appear to brag: “Oh look at me, I’m so privileged, blah blah blah”, but before you pass me off as “just another millennial” I invite you to consider the true intended purpose first, eh?  After that, well, then you can make whatever conclusion you want to based on what connections you make.  Let’s work together, yeah?  Deal?  Alright, *rubs hands* let’s get to work.

                I wanted to emphasize once certain point:  I am biased.  100%.  Over the course of the next few months, I will be attempting to show you my point of view and why I would like to make a Case for Family, and what “family” really means, both literally and figuratively.  I will be making a stand for why the traditional family is the best and only option for a successful, happy, family unit.

First, studies have shown that the Nuclear Family—meaning dad, mom(married), and kid(s) living together in harmony—is on the decline.  As one news outlook states it:  “Traditional living arrangements of parents and children are becoming less common” (Sorrel 1)  In our world today, there are many opinions flying around on same-sex marriage, abortion, morality, sexuality, etc.  At first glance, they may seem to be radically different topics, and in their own respect, they can be.  However, they all have similar, if not identical, roots:  The Family Unit.

                In recent years, I have watched with a sinking heart as the respect and bias towards traditional families has decreased exponentially, to the point where this type of family and its supporters are criticized, mocked, and shunned for suggesting that there is no viable, nor feasible, replacement for it.

                For example, in 2005, the American Psychological Association (APA) cited a brief that asserted:  “Not a single study has found children of lesbian or gay parents to be a disadvantage in any significant respect relative to children of heterosexual parents” (APA Brief 2005 p. 15).  That brief was used to change views worldwide and influence both state and national laws since it’s release.  However, (there is always a “however”) a closer look at the cited studies years later has revealed some questionable research findings that could change the world, once more.

                Dr. Loren Marks wrote a brief called A closer examination of the American Psychological Association’s brief on Lesbian and gay parenting, which takes a closer look at the validity of the assumptions made in 2013 and provides an eye-opening perspective on what we thought to be the truth.

                Sadly, despite this new evidence, not many have taken to it and it seems to be widely ignored by the people who most need it.  Thankfully, no massive asteroid has recently hit the earth, governmental boundaries have not collapsed, and the world has not yet ended.  There is much that is to be said, but it hasn’t all been said.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize just how much family means to me, and to our Creator.  I will be taking data and opinions, theology and rhetoric to determine what Family really means, where it came from, and why we have it.  I would love to hear your thoughts!  Contradictory comments are welcome, but I ask that you put your best foot forward and I will do the same!  Let’s work together!

All my love,

Midwestern Perspective


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